Daniel Bryan: Biography, Salary, Net Worth, Deals & Endorsements
Last updated on May 8th, 2022 at 11:26 am
One of the most talented technical wrestlers in WWE’s history, Daniel Bryan’s journey to prominence is nothing short of impressive. Due to his small size, it was quite clear that Bryan’s chances of succeeding in the WWE were quite slim. However, Daniel Bryan still managed to defy the odds by making it into the upper card of an industry mostly dominated by athletic and pumped up powerhouses.
Bryan’s in-ring abilities, mic skills and his submaximal work-rate saw him rise through the ranks of the WWE and even draw comparisons to Chris Benoit. While it was evidently clear that Daniel Bryan lacked the overall appeal of Hulk Hogan or Shawn Micheals, Daniel Bryan was definitely a superstar in his own calibre.
For seven consecutive years, Daniel Bryan won the Wrestling Observer’s Best Technical Wrestler Award one of the most prestigious awards in sports entertainment. In addition, he also won the Most Outstanding Wrestler Award for four consecutive years, a feat yet to be matched. These off ring awards and accolades speak volume of a wrestler whose love for wrestling began after an accidental encounter with wrestling through a friend.
Regardless of who he steps into the ring with, Daniel Bryan’s exceptional in-ring ability and awareness always goes a long way in ensuring that his opponents whether talented or not, will be at their best. Just as his wrestling career was starting to pick off, Daniel Bryan was forced into premature retirement in 2016 after a series of medical tests made him question his future in the WWE; Bryan had been suffering from post-concussion seizures
However, in the early months of 2020, Daniel Bryan was cleared by a team of renowned concussion specialists to wrestle again. During his stint away from the squared circle, Daniel Bryan served as Smackdown’s general manager.
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Early Life
Bryan Lloyd Danielson was born on 22nd May 1981 in Aberdeen, Washington. During his primary school years, Bryan received a wrestling magazine from a friend and was instantly drawn to wrestling. Like other wrestlers, Bryan was an active member of various sports teams in high school including American Football.
Professional Wrestling Career
In his sophomore year, Bryan began to pursue a career in wrestling. After he was unsuccessful in joining Dean Malenko’s wrestling school due to the sudden closure of the school, Daniel Bryan would ultimately join TWA, (Texas Wrestling Academy) founded and operated by the veteran wrestler, Shawn Michaels.
After graduating from TWA, Daniel Bryan would begin his wrestling career as an indie-wrestler, wrestling under the moniker, “The American Dragon”; a high-flying masked amateur wrestler. The American Dragon would wrestle under the watchful eye of Shawn Micheal’s. Since WWE’s development program was still in its early stages, many upcoming wrestlers relied heavily on the independent scene to make a name for themselves.
Under the recommendation of Shawn Michaels, Daniel Bryan and three other wrestlers were asked to report to Memphis Tenessee, where they would train under William Regal as part of WWE’s developmental program. Under WWE’s developmental program, Daniel Bryan was asked to unmask.
In addition, Bryan was also asked to change his approach to wrestling, this time around the young wrestler embracing a more technical approach. Bryan would eventually leave WWE’s developmental program and begin wrestling as an indie-wrestler for different promotions including ROH (Ring of Honor), ECWA, ECWC, and All-Pro Wrestling.
In 2009, Daniel Bryans would eventually sign with the WWE, after a series of failed medical tests delayed his WWE debut. The following year in January, Daniel Bryan finally made his debut as a contracted wrestler during a dark match against Chavo Guererro. After a rather slow start, Daniel Bryan requested the WWE to let him join FCW in a bid to get his mojo back considering he had been out of the game for quite sometime.
In February 2010, Daniel Bryan finally made his NXT debut, this time around wrestling under the moniker “Daniel Bryan”. After a rather brief stint on NXt, Daniel Bryan was ultmately released by the WWE. Daniel Bryan went straight into the indie scene appearing briefly for Chikara, IWA, NWA, ROH and Xtreme wrestling.
On August 20th, Daniel Bryan finally returned to the WWE at Summerslam where he came in as the surprise member of Team WWE. On the next day, Daniel Bryan officially joined RAW. With WWE, Daniel Bryan managed to develop a following in his early years. By 2011, Daniel Bryan had managed to become of the best performers in the WWE and also one of the promotion’s brightest stars.
After being drafted to Smackdown, Bryan would feud briefly with Cody Rhodee before ultimately winning the Money in the Bank match which gave him the opportunity of challenging the World Heavyweight title.
WWE Salary and Net Worth
Daniel Bryan Salary
One of WWE’s top-rated wrestlers, Daniel Bryan earns a base salary of $2 Million. Apart from the base salary, Daniel Bryan also earns a significant amount from PPVs sales and merchandise commissions. Considering he is a top-tier wrestler, Daniel Bryans generates a couple of hundred dollars from PPVs sales, which is slightly higher than what most wrestlers receive. In addition, he also receives the perks and benefits set aside for top-tier and legendary wrestlers.
Some of these perks include first-class travel and 5-star hotel rooms catered for by the company. In 2019, Daniel Bryan made it to the top 10 list with an annual salary of $2.2 million surpassing Samoa Joe, Rey Mysterio, and The Miz. In his first year with the WWE, Daniel Bryan earned $620,000 per year. In comparison to what most wrestlers make during their first year with the company, this was quite impressive.
Since he signed a 3-year contract Daniel Bryan’s salary remained constant for three years. After an impressive start, Daniel Bryan’s salary shot up as he became a main card wrestler and one of the company’s main stars in just three years. Despite his huge earnings, money, and stardom has never had any influence on Daniel Bryan’s life with the wrestler opting to lead a simple life.
Daniel Bryan Net Worth
Daniel Bryan has a net worth of $10 Million. While his overall net worth continues to grow, Daniel Bryan is a wrestler who loves to keep things simple as we’ve witnessed first hand in the reality TV show, Total Divas. Over the years, Daniel Bryan managed to maintain his simple image with the wrestler choosing to own a Honda Fit instead of a luxurious fleet of vehicles.
Apart from his earnings from WWE, Daniel Bryan also earns from other ventures including book sales and TV show appearances. On 21st July 2015, Daniel Bryan published his first book, Yes! My improbable Journey was readily available on all leading outlets including Amazon and Goodreads. Daniel Bryan and his wife, Brie Bella own a 300,000 square feet house that’s valued at $1.7 million.
The luxurious 5 bedroom mansion is located in Phoenix Arizona and sits inside a posh 16 house gated community. Apart from the 5 bedrooms, the house also features a swimming pool and 5 bedrooms. According to reliable reports, Daniel and Brie built the house from scratch.
Movies and TV Shows
2012 | Clash Time (TV Series) |
2016 | Total Bellas |
2017 | The Flintstones & WWE |
2017 | Southpaw Regional Wrestling (Mini-Series) |
Is Daniel Bryan Married?
Daniel Bryan is currently married to fellow WWE superstar, Brianna Monique Robinson, who wrestles under the moniker Brie Bella. Bryan and Monique tied the knot earlier in 2014. The couple had dated for two years before deciding to make their relationship official. In 2017, the couple welcomed their first child, Birdi Joe Danielson.
Unlike other wrestlers who settle for a quiet and serene wedding ceremony, Brie Bella and Daniels Bryan’s wedding was not only elegant but also had plenty of people in attendance. Some of the wrestlers in attendance included WWE Superstar, John Cena, The Miz, Jimmy Uso, Tyson Kidd and Cesaro. Brie Bella’s sister, Nikki, was the maid of honour.
What Did Daniel Bryan Name his son?
Buddy Dessert. The couple made the announcement on their Instagram page late in 2020. Buddy Dessert is the couple’s second child, with the couple having had their first child back in 2017. In a video posted on the Bella Twins’ official channel, Brie and Bella revealed the alternative names they had in mind for their children.
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What is Daniel Bryan’s Finishing Move?
While Daniel Bryan has a couple of lethal moves in his arsenal, The Yes Lock is his ultimate finishing move. In his early years with the WWE, the Yes Lock was known as the Labell Lock, named after renowned martial artist, Judo “Gene” Labell. However, as time went by, Daniel Bryan decided to rename his signature move in an effort to get the audience more involved in his matches.
As planned, the move became an instant hit with the WWE audience. The Yes Lock involves Daniel Bryan taking the opponents arm and then puts his right leg over the opponent’s shoulder. Using both his arms, Bryan then lifts the opponents head up and then applies the cross-face finisher (application of pressure on the opponent’s upper back and neck region).
The huge application of pressure is enough to make even the most seasoned wrestlers tap out. Throughout the years, the Yes Lock has proven to be Daniel Bryans most effective move as it earned him several wins. Bryan’s most famous win using the Yes Lock would be against Batista, in the process winning the World Heavyweight Championship.
Who is Daniel Bryans Father?
Donald Orrin Danielson is Daniel Bryan’s biological father. Unlike many WWE wrestlers, Daniel Bryan does not come from a wrestling family. As a matter of fact, Daniel Bryans father worked as a therapist and a lumberjack. Born on 18th July 1956, Donald Danielson spent his early years in North Dakota before relocating to Glide Oregon with his family.
Danielson divorced with Darlene Jean Danielson, Daniel Bryan’s mom when Daniel Bryan was still young. Despite the divorce, Daniel Bryan’s father was still involved in the life of his two children, Bryan and Billie Sue, Bryan’s sister. Donald Orrin Bryans passed away shortly after Daniel Bryan’s historical Wrestlemania 30 win.
How Did Daniel Bryan Get into Wrestling?
Since Daniel Bryan does not come from a wrestling family, Daniel Bryan’s love for professional wrestling started a tender age after learning about wrestling from a wrestling magazine. On his first day attending Central Park Elementary School, Daniel Bryan received a wrestling magazine from one of his closest friends. Prior to this, Bryan had never heard of wrestling. However, this accidental encounter with wrestling would mark Daniel Bryan’s inception into the world of wrestling.